A day in the life of a Spanish Teacher

A day in the life of a teacher 

As a teacher, getting the day off to a good start is essential! The life of a teacher is never dull and never the same. In this blog, we’ll look at a typical day in the life of a Spanish teacher. 

An early start and the only me time for the day. A quick breakfast and head out the door. 

Teacher Profession 

Once at school, it’s time to organise for the day ahead. This includes checking emails, reviewing lesson plans, and setting up the classroom. This also means tuning into Spanish radio and checking for big news stories for a Spanish teacher. I like the class to feel like a mini corner of Spain, so pupils come in listening to Spanish. 

The Teacher’s Day 

8:30 am – The Bell Rings  

The day begins with a flurry of activity as students arrive and settle in for the day. For a Spanish teacher, this means greeting students in Spanish and encouraging them to use the language as much as possible. It’s also an excellent time to check in with students, listen to their opinions, and build positive relationships. 

9:00 am – Time to Teach  

The day’s first class is often the most challenging, as students are still waking up and getting settled. For a Spanish teacher, this is teaching basic vocabulary or grammar concepts and engaging students with fun activities and games. It’s essential to keep the pace moving and maintain a positive energy throughout the lesson. 

12:25 pm – Lunch and Prep 

It’s time to grab a quick lunch. For a Spanish teacher, it’s good to review lesson plans and make any changes. 

1:10 pm – Back to Teaching 

Pupils are now often more engaged and ready to learn. It’s the best time for a Spanish teacher to teach more advanced grammar concepts and challenge pupils with brain-training and more complex activities. 

3:10 – The Final Bell 

Time to tidy up, check emails, and make phone calls. Attend departmental meetings. Prepare and plan for tomorrow. 

5 pm home – quick cuppa and marking.  

Teaching matters 

In conclusion, being a Spanish teacher is a challenging but rewarding job. By staying organised, energised, and focused, a Spanish teacher can make a lasting impact on their students’ language learning journey.